How to Get the Sweat Smell Out of Clothes: The Ultimate Guide
Nobody likes the smell of sweat, especially not when it’s coming from your clothes. If you’ve ever had that moment where you can’t help but smell your own pits, then you know how embarrassing it can be. Not to mention, the smell of sweat is just plain nasty.
The sweat smell can be removed by washing the clothing inside out. This will assist to eliminate any perspiration and microorganisms that may be contributing to the stench.
In this ultimate guide, we will teach you everything there is to know about getting rid of that sweaty odor for good!
Aren’t you curious? If you say yes, then let’s get started.
Why Do My Clothes Smell?
Sweating does not have an odor on its own. When it combines with bacteria on your skin, though, it generates a scent. The more you perspire, the greater the chance of bacterial build-up, resulting in a stronger aroma. That’s why, after a long day or an intense activity, you may detect the smell more strongly.
How to Get Sweat Smell Out of Clothes?
There are a few things you can do to get rid of the sweat smell in your clothes.
Here are some of the best ways to do so.

The most obvious solution is to wash your clothes. This will remove the sweat and any bacteria that might be causing the odor. However, sometimes sweat can build up over time and become embedded in the fabric. In this case, you may need to soak your clothing in a mixture of water and vinegar before washing it.

If you don’t want to wash your clothing right away, you can try deodorizing it. This can be done by spraying a mixture of water and vinegar onto the affected areas. You can also try sprinkling baking soda on the clothing and let it sit for a few hours before brushing it off.

It’s important to dry your clothing properly after washing or deodorizing it. This will help to prevent the sweat and bacteria from building up again. Hang your clothes outside to air dry if possible. You must use a dryer, make sure to set it on the lowest heat setting. But, avoid using dryer completely when washing an Express 1MX shirt, because it will shrink your cloth.

When you’re not wearing your clothes, make sure to store them in a cool, dry place. This will help to prevent sweat and bacteria from building up. Avoid storing your clothes in a humid environment, such as a laundry basket or dirty hamper.
What Causes Odor?
Body odor is caused by sweat and the bacteria that live on our skin. When we sweat, the bacteria break down the sweat into acids. These acids then react with our clothing to create body odor.
How Do You Get Under-Arm Odor Out of Clothes?
The first step is to identify the source of the odor. If the sweat is coming from your underarms, you’ll need to treat that area specifically. You can do this by applying antiperspirant or deodorant to your underarms. This will help to reduce the amount of sweat that’s produced.
Why Do My Clothes Still Smell Sweat After Washing?
If your clothes are still smelling of sweat after washing, it’s likely that the sweat has built up over time and has become trapped in the fabric.
Removing Trapped Odor in Fabric
- You’ll need to wash your clothing in a vinegar solution.
- Add one cup of vinegar to your washing machine along with your regular detergent.
- Run the cycle as normal and then hang your clothes to dry in the sun.
- The sunlight will help to freshen and remove any lingering odor.
- You can also add a cup of baking soda to your washing machine along with your regular detergent.
Baking soda is a natural odor absorber and will help to remove any trapped sweat odor from your clothes.
Tips for Keeping Your Clothing Smelling Fresh
- Wash your workout clothes as soon as possible.
- The sooner you wash your garments, the less time sweat has to develop and cause odor.
- Wash your clothing in hot water.
- Hot water is more effective at killing germs and removing perspiration from the cloth than cold water.
- Adding vinegar to your laundry cycle will help to remove sweat odor from your clothes.
- Hang your clothes to dry in the sun. The sun’s ultraviolet rays will help to freshen and remove any lingering odor from your clothes.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does vinegar get rid of smells in clothes?
Yes, vinegar can help eliminate odors from clothing. It’s so effective that even you get the smell out of a down jacket without washing it. The simplest way to do this is to add one cup of vinegar to your washing machine with your regular detergent. Then, run the wash as usual and hang your garments outside to dry after.
Can you use vinegar as a fabric softener?
Yes, you can use vinegar as a fabric softener.
How do you get armpit smells out of clothes without washing them?
You can try spraying a mixture of water and vinegar onto the affected areas. You can also try sprinkling baking soda on the clothing and let it sit for a few hours before brushing it off.
Can you mix vinegar and laundry detergent?
Yes, you can mix vinegar and laundry detergent. The best way to do this is to add one cup of vinegar to your washing machine along with your regular detergent. Run the cycle as normal and then hang your clothes to dry in the sun.
Can I soak clothes in vinegar overnight?
Add vinegar to your clothes overnight to eliminate odors caused by perspiration. The easiest method to do this is to fill a tub with warm water and one cup of vinegar. Soak your clothing in the solution for at least 30 minutes before washing them. Add a cup of baking to assist remove any odor that may be leftover.
Can I use vinegar in the washing machine?
Yes, you can use vinegar in your washing machine.
Does baking soda take the smell out of clothes?
In most cases, the answer is yes; baking soda is a powerful absorbent that can help to eliminated odors by trapping them in its molecular structure. However, baking soda will not be effective against all odors. For example, it will not be able to wash paintball paint out of clothes. But if you’re looking for a way to remove musty smells or everyday body odor, baking soda is definitely worth trying.
Final Words
Sweat odor can be a difficult problem to solve. However, by following the tips above, you should be able to remove the sweat odor from your clothes. If you have any other questions or tips, feel free to leave them in the comments below! Thanks for reading!