Help! My Dyson Brush Bar Not Working (Here’s How to Fix It)
A Dyson brush bar not working all of a sudden is usually due to reasons that were existing for a long time.
And as busy human beings, these causes are quite easy to ignore. No worries, as usually a few simple fixes are enough to deal with the situation.
To make the Dyson brush bar work again, you may need to do a simple reset, untangle hair if clogging is the cause, clean electrical connectors that could be dirty, or simply clean the bin inlet/wand.
If these are not the causes behind the brush bar failing to function, then more severe issues could be underlying. And you should contact a professional without wasting time.
Why Is Your Dyson Brush Bar Not Working – Most Common Reasons

A defective brush bar often takes place due to:
With poor upkeep, it’s quite obvious that the machine will fall apart sooner than it should. And so, you should do regular maintenance to keep the Dyson working smoothly for a long time.
If a faulty brush bar is a culprit, with damage almost irreparable, then you may need a replacement. Contact the service center in that case.
How can I fix my Dyson V11 if it’s not working after cleaning the filter?
If your Dyson V11 is not working after cleaning the filter, you may be experiencing one of the common dyson v11 issues explained. First, ensure the filter is fully dry before reinserting it. If the issue persists, check for blockages in the vacuum and make sure the battery is fully charged.
Try The Simplest Fix First – Reset

Before starting any fix at all, as soon as you discover that the beater bar on Dyson not working, start with a simple reset. Where is the brush bar reset button on my Dyson? If that’s what you are wondering, then simply check the manual for a specific answer.
Generally, there’s no dedicated brush bar reset button on Dyson. You need to use the on-off switch of the brush bar for resetting it.
Find the switch on top of the handle. It should be slightly above the body of the vacuum. In some cases, it can be a slot located on the head’s side.
Failure of Brush Bar Due to Tangled Hair

The most likely reason for the Dyson vacuum brush not spinning is buildup accumulation. If we look at the brush bar, it should be a spinning bar that has bristles.
Once the head spins at a high speed, the dirt and dust get agitated off the ground. And so, the strong suction makes it easy to collect all that dirt quite effectively.
The cleaning head and the brush bar work as one single piece that stays connected with the wand and then the remaining vacuum.
Now there should not be any problem with the brush bar picking up loose dirt pieces. But problems arrive when it contacts anything that is longer.
For instance, pet fur or even human hair. These kinds of stuff are quite difficult for the unit to suck up through the cleaning head.
And that’s why the substances end up tangling in the bristles of the brush bar. This can also tangle up in other moving parts of the unit.
What’s even worse is that the tangled mess keeps on increasing with each time of vacuum application.
And at one point the brush bar will fail to spin. That’s when you might notice the Dyson vacuum brush not spinning anymore.
Dirt buildup or hair surrounding the rest of the cleaning head might additionally be the case. And this will cause a hamper in the brush bar’s functioning. If you discover a dc25 vacuum brush bar not spinning or similar models facing the issue, make sure to clean the part.
It’s important to give the bristles a closer look to make sure there’s no sign of severe wear. As then you need to replace it.
According to our good friend Amy,
“You can take a look at your brush roll and see how the bristles look. If they look worn out and the bristles look loose it’s time to change your brush roller.”
However, if it just needs some cleanup and untangling, go ahead, and fix it following the instructions given below.
Failure of Brush Bar Fix
There should be a lock on the cleaner head that you need to open for accessing the brush bar.
Slide the entire brush bar out to make the process more manageable.
Use your hands for clearing the hair, fur, or dirt that is thin enough to remove easily. If it’s too thick of an entanglement, hands won’t be enough.
Place the cleaning head on your lap after spreading a clean cloth over it. You need some paper towels on the floor to gather all the dirt/hair on top of it.
Get a pair of tweezers. Start to go through the knots. Carefully pick those without harming the vacuum component.
You can also use a pair of scissors or razors if the knots are too hard to deal with. Again, careful cleaning is necessary as the bristles are sensitive parts.
Don’t forget to clean any attachments on the cleaning head that looks dirty. Simply remove it and get rid of the dust and debris.
Put the parts back and the brush bar should be working.
How to Fix Multiple Issues with Dyson Vacuums?
If you’re dealing with a dyson flashing blue light fix, here’s what you can do. First, unplug the vacuum and let it cool down for at least an hour. Then, check for any blockages in the filter or hose. If the issue persists, contact Dyson customer support for further assistance.
Dirt Build-Up on Electrical Connectors
So, you now know that the part that houses and spins the brush bar is the cleaning head. And it’s one electrical component of the Dyson.
The battery right next to the motor(available inside the operating handle) provides the power it needs.
This power transfer happens through multiple electrical connectors. And these connectors are located throughout the vacuum.
But one good way to locate it is simply by checking any area that connects the vacuum parts. For example, the wand, cleaning head, and also between the motor and handle.
There’s no place where dust cannot accumulate in Dyson vacuums. And that means you will have a good amount of dust accumulation over time right in these connecting areas. And right there, the electrical connectors are sitting with the risk of the buildup mess.
As soon as the connectors get caked in dust, the power transmission stops. And as a result, there’s no power supply possible for the cleaning head for it to spin the brush bar.
So, you see a failure of the brush bar. This is usually the case if someone ends up finding their Dyson dc14 brush not spinning.
If the brush bar is intermittently spinning, that’s a strong symptom of the case.
Dirt Build-Up on Electrical Connectors Fix
Turn off the vacuum unit and take out the plug from the electrical outlet.
Now place the vacuum in an upside-down position on a flat surface. This way the cleaning head’s bottom will be facing toward you.
There should be two circular caps on either side of the cleaning head. The job of these caps is to hold the bottom plate in its place while covering the brush. The plate will gradually come out as you spin it to the OPEN position. And you should see the brush roll within.
To open the cap, you can use a coin. The coin edge will fit right into the slot (a rectangular shape one) that you find in the cap center. Give it a 90-degree twist to set it in the OPEN position.
You need to open both caps to get rid of the cover plate. Remove the brush bar, wand, and tub. If possible, separate the battery-included handle from the motor for now.
Next, use a dry cloth to carefully wipe each of the connectors. You can also use a brush if that makes the job easier. Get rid of all the dust and obstruction.
Once everything is clean, reassemble the parts back into place. And the cleaning head will experience no issue receiving power at this point. The brush bar will start spinning again.
An Obstacle in Bin Inlet or Wand

It’s important that the accumulated mess travels to the vacuum bin from the brush bar without any problem. And this is a job that the motor is in charge of. Because the motor produces the suction for the mess to move toward the vacuum bin.
In the passage, the mess will go through the wand and also the bin inlet. And finally, it settles in the vacuum bin.
Now any passage that allows dirt to travel through it automatically falls into a good risk of experiencing nasty build-up. And so you can imagine the probability of an obstacle in the wand or bin inlet.
If not taken care of early, the buildup will grow to the point that the power of the vacuum will keep decreasing. And then you will discover the brush bar spinning speed gradually going low.
So, there’s no guessing it simply needs a cleanup in the wand and bin inlet. If you find out your Dyson dc07 vacuum brush not spinning, start by checking for this bug.
Obstacles in Bin Inlet or Wand Fix
Detach the wand from the cleaning head and bin inlet.
Look for any dirt build-up and clean it using a tool that allows easy access.
Don’t miss the ends of the wand and these spots are usually the victim of too much dirt buildup.
You can use a flashlight to check inside the wand and find blockages deeper.
Also, clean the surrounding of the bin inlet. This will make sure the air can flow without any obstacles.
Jam in the Transmission Rod

the last probable reason is a transmission rod jam. It’s the most common cause for the Dyson DC18 vacuum brush not spinning. This part helps the motor to transfer energy to the brush bar.
Grime buildup can happen in the tightest spaces. And so, it can make the transmission rod suffer too. The Dyson brush not spinning, can be a strong indication that there’s human hair or pet fur in the rod.
Transmission Rod Jam Fix
Remove the transmission rod by using a Torx screwdriver.
Use your hand or a tweezer to carefully remove the hair or any dirt.
Wrapping Up
And there you have it. You can try these fixes whenever the Dyson brush bar not working and hopefully reverse the problem. However, this is not always the case.
And if you own a pretty old Dyson that won’t spin even after cleaning it, then most probably the part is damaged. And you need to buy a new brush bar in that case.
You may also need to take it to a professional if the issue is more than just the brush bar not working. Often the part misbehaving is an early sign of some bigger damage.
That’s all for today! I will be back again with more. Take care.