Help! My Bissell Vacuum Smells Like Burning (Reason & Fixes)
Any vacuum that starts to smell like burning is already showing a big sign that something inside is wrong. And if not given immediate attention, don’t be surprised when the unit becomes completely useless.
That’s not happening, as you are already here trying to find out why your Bissel vacuum smells like burning. It could happen for many reasons. But most of the time the culprit is one or more of a few particular parts.
Your Bissel vacuum smells like burning due to overheating of the drive belt, a loose connection between the cable and mains of the vacuum, or tangled hair causing friction at the end of the rotary brush.
You don’t have to worry just yet. go ahead and read more about each of these reasons. I will also mention some fixes that probably will sort the situation.
But if the issue is severe, you may need to get help from the service center.
Bissell Vacuum Smells Like Burning Due to Overheated Belt, Loose Connection, or Tangled Hair
These are the primary reasons why the burning smell is there. However, keep in mind, more complex issues can also take place, which at some point you will realize. Let’s go through each of these reasons and find the best fix to it.
Burnt Smell from Overheated Belt

There was a post somewhere that I read, someone asking why my Bissel vacuum smells like burning rubber. And most answered with the probability of the vacuum belt being too hot.
Two things could happen with the belt being a reason for the burning smell:
- The belt has burned and snapped out.
- Belt has stretched too much, and the roller is unable to move. Because of that, it is making the belt overheat from the motor’s RPM.
In both cases, you have to replace the vacuum belt. Make sure that there are no seized-up bearings. Also, the roller should spin freely. Choosing the accurate size belt is also important.
You should get clear instructions on what belt to use from the manual. Or you can also try finding the model number of your vacuum.
For Your Information – An old used belt will be 30% lengthier than a new one. And that is due to all the pressure it has to take for constant usage
Burning Smell from Hot Cable

If you use your Bissell vacuum quite often and also nonstop, the motor may become gradually worn out due to overworking. When the motor in your Bissell vacuum starts to wear out, you may notice a decrease in suction power and overall cleaning performance. This is why it’s important to give your vacuum regular maintenance and breaks to prevent this from happening. You can also consider investing in a higher quality vacuum that is designed to handle continuous use, such as the Bissell PowerForce Helix upright vacuum review. This model is known for its durable motor and long-lasting performance, making it a great option for those who use their vacuum frequently.
And this can lead to hot cable as well as wall plug getting hot. Hence a slightly burning smell can occur.
Check if the cable or plug is getting hot. If it does, then try cleaning the filters of the vacuum and make sure you’ve also emptied the bag.
Turn it on again and observe the cable or plug once again. If it still gets heated, there’s a good chance of having a loose connection between the mains and the cable of the vacuum.
You want to check the cable wires and also the plug terminals. Wires should be tightly held by the terminals. If despite the checking it does not solve the issue, you need help from an electrician.
Burnt Smell from Tangled Hair

If your Bissell vacuum smells like burning hair, this could be it. Check the ends of the rotator brush. Hair could be wrapped in that area. And this may lead it to get close to the bearings.
Because of the hair friction, heat is generated and that must be the source of the burning smell. You need to clean your hair.
It’s easy to do and usually does not require any professional help. Just make sure you find out how to clean tangled hair from the vacuum bearing or rotary brush.
Important To Mention – The Smell Can Also Be Sort of Damp or Musty
If that’s the case, then there’s a good chance that its filters are not cleaned properly. It could also be due to the reinstallation of filters that were not entirely dry. This can develop a musty smell quite quickly.
Also, pets’ hair and even food can be the culprit behind the smell.
“Pet hair and dander are naturally smelly and, when regularly vacuumed, can cause your vac to emit musty smells. The stink is even worse if the pet hair had traces of Fido’s urine.”
Smoking Bissell Vacuum Smells Like Burning

Exactly why is my Bissell vacuum smoking? Some of you might face a smoking situation along with the burnt smell.
Well, the Bissell vacuum will start smoking if the drive belt is out of its position or for some reason cannot rotate properly. This could be due to a clog in the brush roller or simply because the belt is overstretched and not applicable anymore.
Other culprits behind a smoking vacuum are:
- The electric motor is facing issues, hence causing the smoke.
- You may have accidentally vacuumed a lighted cigarette or another flame. Be careful while disposing of the bag.
Now sometimes none of the mentioned reasons apply to smoking. Well, it can be normal vacuum smoke too. What does that mean? Is it normal for a vacuum to smoke?
Yes, in a few cases it is normal for a vacuum to smoke. And this is usually not smoke but a mechanical pump oil vapor that you are seeing. If the vapor is emitting from a pump, you don’t have to worry.
This is Exactly What to Do If Your Vacuum Is Smoking!
As soon as you find out the reasons behind smoking, proceed to fix the problem. You will need to replace the belt and clean the brush roller in most cases.
If you don’t know exactly how to do that, this brief segment should help:
- Start by getting the belt based on the make of your vacuum and its model number. Then check the manual provided for any warning mentioned for the replacement of the belt.
- Take off the cover for starting the belt replacement process. Once it is off, access the belt. It should be held by 2 shafts.
- To remove the old belt, you may need a pair of scissors. This is for cutting the old belt and making the removal process easier.
- Now you are ready to place the new belt. Make sure to stretch it just enough for placing it over the shafts similar to how the old belt was.
- And that shall end the belt replacement process. Next, you need to clean the brush roller. To make it easier, you need to remove the brush roller from the vacuum.
- Bring the scissor for this phase as well. Use it for cutting through any tangled hair or debris you find in the roller. You can also use a cutter for better access.
- Pull the remaining hairs/debris with your hand. You can wear a glove to keep that gunk not contacting your hand.
- After the brush roller seems clean enough, you need to put it back exactly how it was earlier. To prevent clogging, you must clean the roller often. Keep in mind that sometimes due to clogging in the brush roller the belt becomes unable to rotate.
- Finally, you can place the cover back in its place. Test everything out. Use your hand to spin the brush roller and check if the belt is held in place properly. You can also clean the inside parts of the vacuum before finishing it off.
Can a Malfunctioning Brush Bar Cause a Burning Smell in My Bissell Vacuum?
A malfunctioning brush bar in your Bissell vacuum can cause a burning smell due to friction from tangled hair or debris. Regular maintenance is essential to prevent overheating. If the issue persists, inspecting similar solutions like a dyson brush bar fix may provide insight into resolving the problem efficiently.
Wrapping Up
And that is it! Now you know what to do when your Bissel vacuum smells like burning with or without smoke. Hopefully, this knowledge would be helpful for you to keep good care of the unit from Bissell and use it for a long time ahead.
I will see you in the next piece soon. Take care!