6 Reasons Why Your Carpet Might Start to Look Patchy
We’ve all been there looking at our stained and tattered carpet, wondering why we ever thought it would be a good idea to try and save money by installing it ourselves. It seems like every time we turn around, something new is happening that makes the situation worse. We’re so sorry for what you’re going through. But don’t worry, we’re here to help.
Why Has My Carpet Gone Patchy?
The most common reasons for carpet patchiness are lack of regular vacuuming, spilling liquids over the carpet, not cleaning up spills quickly enough, heavy furniture or appliances movement indentations, carpet infestation, and general wear and tear.

Vacuuming regularly, avoiding spills, and cleaning them up immediately right after food consumption are all ways to prevent your carpet from looking patchy. Protecting your carpet from excessive weight and getting professional cleanings every so often will also help to keep it looking its best.
In this article, we’ll outline six reasons why your carpet might be looking patchy and provide some tips on how to address the issue.
1. There Is Too Much Traffic on the Carpet, And It’s Wearing Down Prematurely
One of the most common reasons for a carpet to start looking patchy is because there is too much traffic on it. If there are a lot of people or pets walking on the carpet, it will start to wear down prematurely.
Furniture or appliances are constantly being moved and causing damage to the carpet, and you should try to avoid moving them around too much, as it can cause damage to the carpet. This damage can manifest itself in the form of stains, tears, or even permanent damage to the carpet.
To prevent this from happening, you should place mats or other objects under the furniture or appliances to protect the carpet and try to limit the amount of traffic on the carpet as much as possible. You can do this by placing rugs or mats at the entrances to the room so that people and pets have a place to walk that isn’t the carpet.
2. A Water Leak or Other Form of Water Damage Has Occurred That Wasn’t Properly Dried
If you have a water leak or other form of water damage, it’s important to dry the area as soon as possible. If the area isn’t dried properly, you notice that mold or mildew has started growing on your carpet, you should try to clean it up as soon as possible. If the mold or mildew has spread beyond the surface of the carpet or if it’s a large area, it’s best to consult a professional for proper removal. However, if it’s a small area and you want to try cleaning it yourself, consider following tide cleaning recommendations for mold and mildew removal. Using the proper cleaning products and techniques can help ensure that the mold or mildew is effectively removed and prevent it from recurring in the future.
This is because the longer the mold or mildew stays on the carpet, the more damage it can do, resulting in the carpet to start looking patchy and damaging the carpet beyond fixing. You can try to dry the area yourself by using a fan, some towels, or vacuum it properly. But if the damage is more severe, you may need to call in a carpet cleaning professional.
Sometimes, your pets are allowed to urinate and/or defecate on the carpet, and it can also cause the carpet to start to patch. This is because urine and feces can cause the carpet’s fibers to deteriorate prematurely. To prevent this from happening, you should try to train your pets not to urinate and/or defecate on the carpet. If they continue to do so, you may need to place a rug or mat in front of the area so that they have a designated place to go.
3. Pets Are Constantly Shedding and Leaving Hair All Over The Carpet
In addition to pets urinating and defecating on the carpet, they can also cause damage by shedding hair all over the carpet. This hair can get trapped in the carpet’s fibers and cause them to break down prematurely. To prevent this from happening, you should try to vacuum the carpet regularly.
How to Prevent Pet Hair from Accumulating on the Carpet
In order to prevent pet hair from accumulating on the carpet, you should try to groom your pets regularly. This will help to reduce the amount of hair that they leave all over the carpet. You can also try to vacuum the carpet regularly, as this will help to remove any pet hair that may have accumulated on it.
What to Do If Your Pet Has an Accident On The Carpet
If your pet has an accident on the carpet, you should try to clean it up as soon as possible. This is because the longer the carpet stays wet, the more damage it can do. You can try to clean up the pet residue yourself.
4. Cigarette Smoke or Other Types of Smoke Have Stained The Carpet
If you’re a smoker, you should try to refrain from smoking in the house, as it can cause the carpet to start looking patchy. This is because cigarette smoke and other types of smoke can leave a yellowish-brown stain on the carpet. In order to remove these stains, you’ll need to invest in a carpet cleaner that is specifically designed for removing smoke stains.
How to Get Cigarette Smoke or Other Smoke Stains Out of Your Carpet
If you have cigarette smoke or other types of smoke stains on your carpet, you can try to remove them by using a vacuum cleaner. You can also try to clean them up by using a wet cloth. If the discoloration is more severe, you may need to hire a professional carpet cleaner.
How to Prevent Cigarette Smoke or Other Smoke from Staining Your Carpet In the First Place
In order to prevent cigarette smoke or other smoke from staining your carpet, you should try to avoid allowing it to come into contact with the carpet. You can do this by keeping smokers away from the areas where the carpet is located and making sure that any cigarettes or cigars are put out properly. You can also try to use a smoke detector in order to detect any smoke before it has a chance to stain the carpet.
What to Do If Your Carpet Has Already Been Stained by Cigarette Smoke or Other Smoke
If your carpet has already been stained by cigarette smoke or other smoke, you can try to clean it up by using a vacuum cleaner. You can also try to clean it up by using a wet cloth. If the stains are more severe, you may need to call in a carpet cleaning professional.

5. Food or Drink Has Been Spilled on the Carpet and Not Cleaned Up Straight Away
If food or drink is spilled on the carpet, it’s important to clean it up as soon as possible. This is because the longer the liquid sits on the carpet, the more damage it can do. Not only will it leave a stain, but it can also cause the carpet to start looking patchy. In order to clean up the spill, you can use a wet cloth or a vacuum cleaner with a wet attachment.
6. Carpet Is Old and Needs to Be Replaced
Many people choose to keep their old, stained, and faded carpets instead of investing in a new one. While this may be cheaper in the short term, it’s not the best choice in the long run. A new carpet will look better and last longer than an old one. If you’re thinking of replacing your carpet, you should try to find a carpet that is resistant to staining and fading, as this will help to keep it looking its best for longer.
How to know If It’s Time to Replace Your Carpet
If your carpet is old and starting to show signs of wear and tear, it might be time to replace it. Carpet that is stained, faded, or has a lot of pet hair on it is likely nearing the end of its lifespan and should be replaced. If you’re not sure whether or not it’s time to replace your carpet, you can try to measure how much foot traffic it gets. If it’s getting a lot of traffic, then it’s probably time to replace it. You should also try to compare the state of your current carpet to new carpets in the store. If your current carpet looks worse than the new carpets, then it’s definitely time for a replacement.
What You Can Do to Prevent Your Carpet from Going Patchy
The common challenge people have with their carpets is that they don’t know how to prevent them from getting patchy. By following the tips listed above alongside the reasons, you can help yourself to keep your carpet in good condition for a longer period. However, there are some instances where patchiness is unavoidable, and in those cases, you may need to replace your old carpet with a new one.
What to Do If You Decide to Replace Your Carpet
If you decide to replace your carpet, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, you should try to find a carpet that is resistant to staining and fading, as this will help to keep it looking its best for longer. You should also measure the size of your current carpet in order to get an idea of the size of the new one you’ll need. Finally, you should budget for professional installation, as this can be pretty expensive.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does carpet shading go away?
No, your carpet shading will not go away on its own. It is best to have a carpet cleaning professional come out to your home and spray your carpet with a commercial stain remover. Then, they will treat the stain. This treatment helps the stain adhere to the fibers of the carpet, making it more difficult to remove.
Why does carpet ripple?
Carpet ripple results from the friction and pressure created when walking across a carpet. The mechanism of carpet ripple is by resilient resistance or tension applied to the carpet pile. Carpet ripple is most prevalent under heavy traffic and heavy furniture.
How to fix carpet that has bubbled?
You can repair your carpet if the seams have bubbled by using a foam seam sealer and sealer adhesive. The sealer will help the seams stay down and the carpet looking flat.
What is the best way to get rid of carpet moths?
The best way to get rid of carpet moths is to place an electric heater under the carpet. This will draw the moths out. Next, vacuum the moths up. Then, remove the carpet and discard it.
How can I fix a not-quite-hole in my carpet?
If you can’t find the loose piece of carpet, you could try to glue it with carpet glue. Or you can use a staple gun to fix it.
What’s causing my carpet to squeak?
Squeaky floors can be due to any number of things. Often, it’s due to improper installation. Just because the carpet looks OK when it is unrolled, that doesn’t mean the seams are perfectly aligned. A seam can be misaligned or the wrong kind, causing small squeaks, squeaks, squeaks!
The Bottom Line
Patchy carpets can be an eyesore. If you’re a carpet owner, you should be aware of the reasons that might cause your beautiful carpet to start to look patchy so that you can take steps to prevent it from getting worse.
We’ve outlined six potential causes of carpet patches in this post, so make sure to read through it if you want to keep your carpets looking their best. And if you need help maintaining your carpets or dealing with any spots or stains, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’d be happy to help!