How to Clean Intake Manifold Runner Control
Anyone with a vehicle, be it a car, a bus, or a truck, has to deal with intake manifold runner control (IMRC) cleaning issues. If the intake manifold control isn’t properly cleaned, fuel system performance will be impacted. As a result, engine health will suffer, making cleaning essential for car owners.
There are several options in terms of how to clean intake manifold runner control. It begins with the battery being disconnected, followed by the removal of components, cleaning of all components, rinsing, and ending with the drying of the battery.
This article shows you how to clean intake manifold runner control. Read the entire article to learn more about it. Let’s get down to the details.
Does the Intake Manifold Need to Be Cleaned?
Well, when a car has been driven for a time, deposits will form in the fuel system. Deposits formation is related directly to automobiles’ fuel: so, it’s very significant to clean the intake manifold. Let’s describe what causes dust in there.
What Causes Dirt in the IMRC?
As anyone who has ever owned a car knows, one of the most critical maintenance tasks is keeping the gas/fuel tank clean. Because over time, deposits of sludge and varnish can build up, clogging the fuel inlet pipe and causing engine problems. But if you’ve ever wondered how to clean varnish out of a gas tank, wonder no more!
Secondly, unstable components such as olefins in gasoline undergo oxidation and polymerization reactions at a certain temperature to form colloidal and resinous viscous substances.
These thick deposits in the fuel injectors, intake valves, combustion chambers (cylinder head and tiny roof), and other parts will become hard carbon deposits.
In addition, the formation and accumulation of these deposits are exacerbated by the fact that cars are often at low and idling speeds due to urban traffic congestion. Cleaning the intake manifold is mainly to clean carbon deposits. So, you may have to clean the intake manifold from time to time.
How to Clean Intake Manifold Runner Control?
There are all the steps on how to clean the intake manifold runner control, and you have to follow all the steps carefully.
Step 1: Disconnect Battery

Disconnect one end of the battery, the terminal of the starter is under the intake manifold, and it is the positive pole. It is easy to touch the tool and short-circuit to the ground.
Step 2: Remove the Air Filter Cover

Put out the air filter cover, and it is better to take off the lower part (I didn’t take it, it is more troublesome to remove and install).
Step 3: Remove the Components

Eject the throttle valve, vacuum tube tee, carbon canister connecting tube, unplug the idle valve plug, remove the throttle cable, etc.
Step 4: Remove Vacuum Tube

On the intake manifold side, remove the vacuum booster drum’s vacuum tube and unplug the crankcase ventilation (small) tube on the left.
Step 5: Remove the Idle Valve Bypass Pipe

Remove the idle valve bypass pipe on the air filter cover. If the original one-time clamp has never been removed, prepare a clamp of the appropriate size.
Step 6: Find the 8 Screws and Remove

Find the eight screws that fix the intake manifold; there are six on the engine, two on the top and left, and one on the bottom; there are two on both sides. Remove them; it is very dirty inside, and the sludge and carbon deposits are thicker. Prepare the cleaning agent.
Step 7: Block the Four Air Inlets
First, block the four air inlets with cloth strips. For those sludge and carbon deposits with high oxidation, carbon tetrachloride should be poured into the soaking.
Step 8: Clean the Large Space Place

The place with a large space can be cleaned with a brush, and the solvent poured out is very dark and black, so it is repeatedly cleaned like this.
Step 9: Thinner Parts Dragged with Cloth Strips
Thinner parts can be repeatedly dragged with cloth strips soaked in carbon tetrachloride!
Step 10: Rinse with Carburetor Cleaning Agent

According to the principle of homogeneity and compatibility, rinse with a carburetor cleaning agent.
Step 11: Bath and Dry

After this treatment, almost all sludge and carbon deposits are removed. Then, take a bath and dry in the sun. Then the recovery is basically over.
How Do You Clean An Intake Manifold without Removing It?

There are several ways to clean an intake manifold without removing it. Here, we have discussed one simple way step by step.
Step 1: Turn Off, Disassemble and Connect Elements
Start the engine to normal temperature and then turn off the flame, pour the non-disassembly cleaning agent for the intake system into the special cleaning bottle, disassemble the engine vacuum tube, and connect the infusion head of the cleaning equipment. After securely connecting the infusion head, start the engine again and allow it to idle while the cleaning agent is gradually introduced into the intake system through the vacuum line. During this process, it is also recommended to perform the clean K&N air filter process to ensure optimal airflow and engine performance. Once the cleaning is complete, reassemble all components and check for any irregularities in engine operation.
Step 2: Close and Open the Regulating Valve
Close the cleaning equipment regulating valve. Now, start the engine, then open the regulating valve of the cleaning equipment, and when the engine is idling, the cleaning agent can be slowly sucked into the engine air intake.
Step 3: Adjust the Flow Rate
If the flow rate is too fast during cleaning, the exhaust gas is likely to produce black smoke or flame out. At this time, it is good to adjust the flow rate to an appropriate position.
Step 4: Remove the Cleaning Equipment
Generally, it takes 30 to 50 minutes for vehicles to be cleaned. After cleaning, turn off the engine and remove the cleaning equipment.
Step 5: Reconnect the Intake Line and Repeat the accelerating Process
Reconnect the intake line, start the engine again, accelerate directly to about 3000 rpm, and repeat the operation 5-10 times. The entire cleaning process is finished.
What Can a Bad Intake Manifold Runner Control Cause?
A bad intake manifold control valve will result in insufficient intake pressure in the cylinder, insufficient combustion, poor mixing ratio, and lack of speed. We discussed more causes. Let’s see now them –
Air Leakage
Air leakage from the intake manifold will cause the mixture of the cylinder to be too lean, which will cause the ratio of fuel injection and gas to be out of the normal range, resulting in insufficient combustion inside the engine, which will cause weakness when accelerating, and it will continue after a long time.
Carbon Deposits to Increase
Carbon accumulates inside the engine due to insufficient engine combustion. It makes the engine unable to start, and the noise will become louder.
Engine Power is Reduced
When the intake manifold runner is bad, it will decrease the engine power. Plus, the engine will be weak day by day, and it will not work properly.
What Does Intake Manifold Runner Control Stuck Open Bank One Mean?

It’s known as P2004. The category of this fault is Fuel, Air, or Emission Control. Intake Manifold the pipe passage control (IMRC) assembly is located between the intake manifold and the cylinder head.
In order to improve engine performance, each cylinder corresponds to two intake passages, one of which is always open, and the other is opened only when the speed is higher than a certain value (for example, 3000RPM).
The role of the IMRC executive motor is to open/close the valve flap of the intake passage according to the command of the electronic control unit (ECU). It is also known as P2004.
Frequently Asked Questions
What can a bad intake manifold runner control cause?
A bad intake manifold runner control can cause a decrease in engine performance and fuel economy. Additionally, it can cause engine misfires and a rough idle. If the problem is not fixed, it can lead to engine damage.
What is the purpose of the intake manifold runner control valve?
The intake manifold runner control valve is responsible for controlling the airflow into the engine. It does this by opening and closing to allow more or less air to enter, depending on the needs of the engine. This helps to optimize performance and fuel economy.
What is Brake Caliper Guide Pins
The brake caliper guide pins help to keep the brake caliper in place when it is braking. They also help to keep the caliper aligned so that it can apply even pressure to the brake pads. Caliper pins that are clogged can cause the caliper to apply uneven pressure to the pads, which can lead to premature wear or even failure. So, you should know how to clean brake caliper guide pins to avoid any issues.
What causes push rod failure?
One potential cause of push rod failure is that the gunk and powder residue accumulating on the push rod can create too much friction. This can heat the push rod and cause it to break. By cleaning the push rods regularly, you can avoid such accidents.
Is Cleaning the Lower Intake Manifold Similar to Cleaning Intake Manifold Runner Control?
Yes, cleaning the lower intake manifold is similar to cleaning intake manifold runner control. Both processes require removing any build-up of carbon and debris to ensure proper air flow and engine performance. Regular maintenance of cleaning lower intake manifold and intake manifold runner control is essential for the overall health of the engine.
When you clean the intake manifold, it’s critical to also clean the carburetor. The carburetor mixes air and fuel together before sending them to the engine. If it is unclean, the engine will not operate as efficiently. You can check how to soak clean a carburetor in shortest time and easiest way from our site.
To resolve this issue, you must understand how to clean the intake manifold runner control and clean it on a regular basis. Finally, we would like to emphasize that if you follow the steps outlined above, you will not have to deal with these issues in the future.