4 Easy Steps to Clean Matte Porcelain Tiles?
Matte porcelain tiles only feel like a beautiful addition to your home if it’s in spotless condition. Conducting regular upkeep is a necessity to ensure that it’s in a pristine state. Its diverse colors and designs pop significantly with proper care.
Now, cleaning matte porcelain needs you to follow a certain 4-step process as you have to prepare the tiles before applying the solution and then remove dirt and give it a wash.
Our article will teach you how to clean matter porcelain tiles thoroughly. Not only will you be able to conduct routine cleaning, but you will also be able to get rid of difficult stains. Furthermore, you will also know how to polish it for a quick facelift.
How to Clean Matte Porcelain Tiles?
Matte porcelain tiles require a simple cleaning process that requires adequate precision. Unlike most alternatives, it’s more susceptible to dirt and dust due to the absence of any protective mechanism. Therefore, you will need to be vigilant in maintaining it.

Failing to clean matte porcelain tiles can result in discoloration and stains. Furthermore, the accumulation of grime makes it difficult to clean. Follow the steps below to clean it perfectly.
Preparing Your Materials
A plethora of tools and chemicals are necessary to clean matte porcelain tiles effectively. You can opt for a brush with soft bristles or a microfiber alongside a simple, clean cloth. Any form of detergent you consider has to be non-abrasive.
Once you have all the materials ready, prepare the cleaning solution by mixing the cleaning agent with hot water. Refer to the detergent’s packaging for this process as the amount may vary.
Apply Solution to the Floor
Start using the brush or mop to lather the cleaning solution onto the matte porcelain floor once it’s ready. Be gentle while applying it and ensure it covers the floor evenly. Focus on the corners of the tile as dirt gathers the most there. As you work, make sure to scrub any stubborn spots or stains, paying extra attention to areas with heavy foot traffic. If you’re wondering how to clean unsealed tile, the process is quite similar, but avoid using acidic cleaners that could damage the surface. After scrubbing, rinse the floor thoroughly with clean water to remove any leftover residue.
After you finish covering the tile with the cleaning solution, give it some time to rest and infiltrate every corner. It will slowly soften any major accumulation of dirt and soften them for easy removal.
Thoroughly Removing Dirt
Removing the dirt from matte porcelain tiles requires some intricacy. Soak the clean cloth with water and start scrubbing the floor. Be sure to wring out the dirty water from the cloth periodically. It will prevent the dirt from spreading on the tile.
We recommend filling a bucket with water and keeping it nearby during this process. It helps to clean out the dirt from the cloth faster and adds a level of efficiency to this step.
Washing the Floor
Start hosing down the matter porcelain tiles once you finish cleaning them with warm water. It will help you remove any stray dirt or detergent residue remaining on the floor. Immediately dry it with a clean cloth to stop the water from stagnating.
Repeat this process at least once a month to keep your matte porcelain tiles in peak condition. Although it’s a simple process, you need to be careful while executing it for ideal results.
Concentrating on the lines between the tiles is crucial for a thorough cleaning.
How Do You Care for Matte Porcelain Tiles?
Caring for matte porcelain tiles can be divided into two categories; upgrading aesthetics and combatting accidents. Continue reading to discover a few helpful tips that can make both of these tasks seem effortless.
Polishing the Tile
Matter porcelain tiles often start to lose their charm and glimmer over time due to rough use. Furthermore, it can also degrade in aesthetic value due to mistreatment. Polishing them occasionally is an excellent approach to eliminating such scenarios.

The process of polishing matt porcelain tiles is relatively simplistic. Start by using a broom to clean the floor of surface-level debris. Vacuum cleaners at low power are also an effective alternative, although it’s not ideal for adequately cleaning the corners.
Cover the tiles with a bit of water and a little bit of dishwashing detergent mixed into it. Take a clean cloth and start cleaning the floor in a circular pattern. Be sure to evenly cover the entire area and take care to reach the gaps between tiles.
Use water to wash away the cleaning solution and follow it by scrubbing the floor with a cloth. Then use a coat of wax sealant after the floors dry up properly and buff it with a soft fabric. Finally, let the wax settle properly for a beautiful finish on the tile.
Removing Stains
Stains and spills are a major threat to matte porcelain floors. They can leave an ugly mark on them if you do not deal with them quickly. Thankfully, we have an easy fix that can help you eliminate them quickly and conveniently.

Magic erasers are a great way to remove stains from matte porcelain floors. They are inexpensive and can get rid of most spills with relative ease. A DIY option can be a simple mixture of baking soda and water to create a paste.
Does Matte Porcelain Tile Need to Be Sealed?
Many matte porcelain tiles are available with pre-sealing. An easy way to identify it is by adding a little water to it and noticing if the water stagnates on top. If the water dries and leaves a mark, then it will require sealing.
Users will have to seal matter porcelain tiles in two phases; pre-grout and final sealing. The first one is necessary for preventing stains from the grout when you initially put it on the floor. Seal once more as a final touch to cover the grout and the tile.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is matte porcelain tile waterproof?
Matte porcelain tiles by themselves are not resistant to water. You will need to apply sealant to it to make it waterproof.
Can I use a steam cleaner on matte porcelain tiles?
Steam cleaners are perfectly compatible with matte porcelain tiles and are effective for ridding grout of bacteria.
Can vinegar harm matte porcelain tiles?
Vinegar is perfectly usable for cleaning matte porcelain tiles. However, you will need to mix it with water before applying it.
How often should I clean matte porcelain tiles?
It’s best to give deep cleanings to matte porcelain tiles once every six months. However, sweep and mop it at least once a week to retain its aesthetics.
Are matte porcelain tiles slippery?
Matte porcelain tiles have more friction than their fancier alternatives. Therefore, the chances of you slipping on it are relatively low.
Matte porcelain tiles require a ton of upkeep for them to maintain their beauty and minimalistic appearance. On the bright side, regular maintenance will allow your house to stand out brilliantly and wow visitors.
Now that you are aware of how to clean matte porcelain tiles, your home will look gorgeous all the time. Furthermore, you can save up on a lot of expenses due to a decrease in fewer replacements.